Friday, July 1, 2011

Blueberry Crisp

This past week, my family and I went blueberry picking. We had a delightful time and brought back 2 gallons of blueberries. We've made blueberry jam, eaten blueberries every day, frozen tons, and made this crisp. It's a new recipe (obviously, or it wouldn't be on this blog!) and it's one that will get tossed in the trash.

Now, to be fair - I used whole wheat instead of white flour. I cut the sugar in half and cut the butter in half. But even with the flour change and 1/2 cup of sugar and 1/2 stick of butter, this should have been better. The recipe called for corn meal mixed in the topping...which I thought sounded good, but in reality was gritty and not good.

Good thing I have a lot more blueberries to make a better one.

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